Sunday 26 November 2023


 Watching this crime series with this playlist and the waaaaaay it softly zones you out of the tension of the series and this landing into almost sleep state and this rush of him!!!!!   

All over your face that instant rush instant beauuuuutoful haste and that scent of him all over your face like smothered with that THAT MUCH sudden chummis and the way it shakes you up the line that very instant giving you all my love giving you all my love when you are far away I still feel it all!!!!!!

What do you even call moments like these!!!!!!!

This sudden need to save this face up cause it was smothered with his chummmiiiiis and HOW moments back as crazy as this sounds writing it out some moments you just can’t deny the maaaaagic of!!!!!!

Of all the things to wear it was this one Psych short of his pssssssychedelic teee from gym days!!!!!!

This beauuuuuuty this rushhhhhhhh right now ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chippyyy how only you are missed biiiiiii ke abiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!

If you only knrwwwww howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeous lil big adoooooooooooooorable thing!!!!!!!!!

I swear charlie abiiii ke abiiiiiiu lips pe geeeeli wali feeeeel aaajanaaaa uskuuuu hawa hawa mein that is!!!!!!!

This Khushi right now suddenly!!!!!!!

Lit I say heart is lit right away!!!!!!

Jumping dancing around to this one song on loop!!!!!!

Some moments the waaaaaaaay they can make you feeeo is just beypoooond cause moments back you actually were missing his chummis the most just the way he would kiss you away like literally your complete big face covered with all him kinda kiss!!!!!!!! Like he would literally cover your face away with his mouth again wanting to write out Kaise bhi like the waaaaaaay it would automatically shut your eyes away……..that sense of slowly and rushingly too to lose yourself in someone by someone like feeel that oneness of the person of the moment in that most beauuuuutofully passionate of ways!!!!!!!!!

And that’s exaaaaactly how he did come!!!!!! Himcomings like these!!!!!!! 

Again one of those times the second you open your eyes the track playing that very line and you make another wish…!

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