Wednesday 22 November 2023

Morning usuals!!!!!

 When you wake up with that state of mind and it’s been raining out ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa this heart every single time when you seee a mausaaaam like this one!!!!!!!

Kitttuuuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaaaaaaaa kittteeeeeee armaaaaaaaaan hai!!!!!!

Ab kaiseeeee sabkooo batlaaayereee bolooooo!!!!!!!

When you finally aaaj toh still in that state of mind when he comes hold onto his hand whilst he was saying something and just grab his arm away and that chuckle of his ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa him in a navy blue open shirt this time looking smelling his gorgeeeeeeeeously sexy self talking something…….

And you just grab his arm and literally hang over it like you were prepeared to not let him leave from the dream…cause it’s been lately it’s very thing when you wake up uskuuu pakad lenaaa tha even after waking up he still would’ve been here kinda weird madness!!!!!

Redoing up the house bits with minor changes for the first time for the house instead of the studio, post work takes all of you away and you watching this series pass out there’re itself and then this comfort that your mind body soul all of you longs for like there’s this beauuuuuutiful wait inside to feeeeel him any moment and the waaaaaaays he comes!!!!!!

This moment too like you hold onto him and the waaaaaay he gives the other arm tooo for you to grab and you tell him nai ye kaaafi hai naii jaaane deti aaj tho mein and that afoooooooorable nod of his saying tu hill math bas!!!!! To think of it now like he knew it’s a dream you knew it’s a dream in that very moment itself and like he knew you move and you wake up…….

And this one thing he does over your arm leaning over exCccccctly what he used to back then at opera and that rushbhhhh in you same rushhhhhh in you like he does that and still doing it looks yu in the eye and that neeed to just chummmieat his face away and you move towards him and wake up again almost falling off the couch on the edge like that kinda beauuuuutoful electric jhatkaa it gives you …….

This feeeeeeeeel ever since then shouldn’t have moved and now writing it out writing that very state of mind out feeeels beautifully ajeeeeb…to just realise that’s how real he felt that’s how real holding his arm felt that’s how HOW REAL him doing that over your arm felt!!!!!!!

Whyyyy does he have to leave the only inside scream that very moment!!!!!!!!

Seeing the weather out adding that beautiful fuel to what’s already rushing on the inside…

That one face that one presence that one smile that THAT one heart and person for life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s like you see everytime and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeel like your insides don’t experience anything like this ever just and only happens with that one presence on the face of this planet!!!!!!!!

Sliiiiiiigtest of him and this you it transforms into!!

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