Monday 13 November 2023


 That night still holding you that one look in his eyes and he comes closer whispers in your ear away wear this tomo only!!!!!

And then moves away and that one look you already knew the destination of the date tomo opera it was just by the way he was still looking you jn the eye holding you by the shoulder……

The next day wearing the same thing get in the car and he fataaaak se takes it ahead of your side galli at the end of the it looks around and chummi your face away like by the beauuuuutiful rush of him you could sense how bad he did wait for that moemnt for you it was everyday and something’s SOMETHINGS you write now this feeeeeeeeeling!!!!!!!

It was an everyday thing like it still amazes you when you write out and re read it !!!!!!!

This mind right now living the biggest sigh possible right now!!!!!!!!!

When you wish you could be ringo right now!!!!!!!

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