Monday 20 November 2023

Smoked room!!!!!

 Some words!!!!!!

And the waaaaaaaay they bring him along in this stage of mind you are missing him away right now on a crispy cold cold night like this one!!!!!!

Room full of smoke and this one line by him for this band you are lost in him with since over a few days…

I have cigarettes when you suggest him some track from this band……..

That love for the smell of cigarettes and smoke ever since him cause the waaaaaaaaays it brings him along…another one of those things that from not liking it a bit to now loving the scent of cigarettes cause it brings him along and HOW!!!!!!!

To live that beauuuuuuuuuuty of him to experience being that madly cutely passionately wildly being in love with him living him away every detail of his amidst and through the smoke hazy clouded room of his…

This beauuuuuty of some sounds and to live feeeel him away right now to this sound and the waaaays his words his face his details come along!!

Be it from this morning or from that moment in Versova inhaling his pay beedi puffs away with and from his mouth to moving a lil back and enjoying your view to the max mostest!!!!!!!

And he just looks you in the eye smiiilijg away raising his eye brows asking what’s up without saying a word….and you were just that beauuuuutifully high on all his beauty and gorgeousness!!!!!!!

Like some visuals and this strongly they come along with the sound…!!

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