Saturday 11 November 2023

Blurry diiwali !!!!!

 It’s a sneezy blurry Diwali but one of your most looooiived festivals of life I say cause this one also gave you HIM and how!!!!!

Happppppy Diwali charlie!!!!!!

When you pass out over heavy dose of antibiotic as per suggested which you weren’t ready to have since day 1 and suddenly wake up to the sound of the firecrackers and it also brings the sound of voice of that adooooooooooooooooorablest hoooman possible on the face and everything of this planet I say!!!!!!

Him that adoooooooorably talking bout noise pollution air pollution whilst lighting up the firecrackers away himself!!!!!

Also it being one of your first unofficial dates with him if you think of it now phone dates with him right from the morning he starts to call you up till the second you fall asleep to his messages…

Him sharing away lilst of moennts of his day with you and also introducing you away to his fart mini neighbour his nickname to her being Padmini!!!!

Ever since then any Padmini you’ve ever known has been named as fart mini 1 2 3 cause there have been over 2-3 fartminis on your list!!!!!

Some moments like these the second the sound wakes you up it’s his voice his adoooooorable chuckles is all you can hear now!!  

Howleeeeeeeee you gorgeousssss gorgesooooous lil big adooooorable thing how only you are being missed abiiiii ke abhiiii!!!!! 

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