Saturday 4 November 2023


 The other day dropping this friend of yours back home and she messages you saying how good the collection was stuff and how great of a time she had and stuff but it’s this beauty of some habits charlie….

And this pact thing has always been there with him somethjngs some habits some talks some madness some side of yours is just used to just come with him…and this one too was one of those things texting right after the meet talking bout that day spent…

And that day you don’t reply her back anything and the next day talk.m bout it….like it wasn’t even something intentionally but in that moment as she texts you bout the day you just couldn’t reply to her as that moemnt did bring him along and howwwwww!!!!

Spending the complete day together dropping you home and the very first thing he would text away saying he was changing and freshening up and stuff but still wanted to hear your voice to feel like you were stil with him and he hasn’t dropped you back home……cause the house felt that empty and made him miss you more…

Like he used to talk bout how difficult evenings were for him at home with his mom issue then and he would always stay on the call or just come to your place instead after dropping you home again after an hour come over saying ghar mein Kuch interesting khaana nai bana aaj so I came off!!!!

Agaaaaain where to whereeeeee sooo yah these habits texting after the meet did happen after the post bup meets too and that feeeel soon as you see a text from him as you take the stairs instead of the lift just to be on your own for a bit living him away in your mind and he would text then itself and you ask him how soon did he reach home and the way he says he was still at the galli end and just wanted to text you!!!!

That feeeeel charlie like something’s even with time didn’t change and it wasn’t just you feeling all that away feeling that way for him him too…..

SOMETHJNGS you write and this another habit post meeting him like you always needed that time on your own just so you could try and get back to normal and then get inside your house……

Be it him dropping you post opera moments you would walk around the terrace for sometime and sometimes with him still there at your door and you would go back to the stair place and he wohkd come along and smiiiile awaaaay at you and ask you to take deep breathes withourblooking at him againaaaaa knowing how and what was rushing inside of you!!!!!

And the waaaaaays it used to make him that happpy away jsut seeing you that way with the weirdest of habits!!!!

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