Monday 13 November 2023

Joy of HisBlue!!!!!

Been the most hectic 2 weeks last and 2-3 days of worst flu with no rest what so ever it did get a lil diffilctj last night post pooja…..where all you wanted to do was just lay wit his music on and beech mein play a card or two as they were playing…..

It’s the mind charlie like on his days you just want to feeeeel and live him away at the most like you are off from the world and all closest to evrythung that makes you love him away!!!!!!!!

When live become auto check love and you let that be as it is!!!!

It’s that feeeeeeeel of wearing something he loved on you back then and post wearing to see all of you coloured away inside too that tone of blue cause it leaked color that bad!!!!!

But thaaaaaat feeeeeeeel when you live moments like those!!!!!

Like just made for you now as you are going with the day brushing and switching to coffee lately again becoming him like after years of being a chai person you are now officially a complete coffee person very recently!!!!

The joy of his blue as worse as you felt and somehow some point looked cause of the flu feels did manage some blue love just to save this feel away!!!!!!

Cause after all it was the almost same outfit as what he got for you…

Dressing up his way with black bottu and the earring that you took many months back thinking for Diwali and conindiderally same tone of blue for the outfit!!

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