Saturday 4 November 2023

To knoww!!

 There was this conversation the other with some client taking bout how her parents with years know each other that well and she hopes the same with her fiancé after years when they get old… she was a bride to be client!!!!

Right then and there you standing standing thinking bout the waaaays he knew that new face of yours that well already… he had known you your facial expressions your mind for that long and here was someone talking bout getting old with some partner and then knowing them that well…..

And he would just know that bout you anything lilst bhi just know it…… this very moment of him chumming away your nose and after a while as you start to talk and the way he interrupts you by saying want me to give another one and you just bring your face closer and he this time literally chummis your nose away like it wasn’t your nose……

To when you hear people coming over to the temple side of it and he gets off to check and you notice his feet finally one toe nail swollen and you ask him to bring it closer and the way he says now he was perfectly fine with no pain and yet you check and cut the nail which had the ingrown nail……but the waaaaaay this new feeeeeel this new something rushing through you for him like never before…….

Be it him driving and then saying can’t I drive like this instead looking at you and you for you it was the start of living his those details away too his lips his nose his cheeks like you remember after thus meet you loooooved living his these details away to see his skin his hands the hair on his hands his neck his forehead like for you this living him was suddenly different now!!!!!

Even writing it now this sudden rush of goosebumps now as you write and relive him now!!!!!

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