Thursday 30 November 2023


 Literally breathing him away today!!!!

It was a very late and intensity one workout so you immediately rush for the shower  cause that’s how badly hungry you were!!!!!

And in the shower that state of mind still feeling him away those moves and this one track playing in shower like it’s your usual habit again some specific tracks as per the mood of the day or of the workout that day play that one song and head to the shower……and this sudden rush over the nape of your neck like it wasn’t the water and the waaaay you could smell him in your waking state that strongly also this very same reason is this habit of yours…..choosing fragrances lien you take a spray close your eyes and live that feel of the scent away and some scents actually bring the scent of him along like the recent one being goddess by Burberry it brings him along and also was the reason it did become your recent most favourite one….that scent of his from the drive that night this scent brings him along like you staying a lil away cause it was a post bup meet and thinking he would get annoyed if you go closer and he instead in ishaara asks you to come over his shoulder and as you fataaaak se that very first habit of yours with him to smell him and this one fragrance brings that smell of him how you donnoooo it just does….everytime you use it now!!!!!

Sooooo yeaaaaaaah back to the shower that sudden feel of him over to that scent of him and these slow nibbles over and around your one right ear and that slow whisper of his voice again n again in that deep sexy tone of his when in opera he used to call you on that tone of his voice……

Like it was that beauuuutofully maddening how were you able to feeeel him that way when you were very much awake and under water so wide awake even writing it now these goosebumps all over cause his orsence today was THAT STRONG!!!!!!!!

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