Friday 24 November 2023


 There’s this beauty of some moemnt a as and when you live it it’s the after that leaves the impact on you!!!!!!

These moments of his happening in your waking state to feeeel him away sense him away sense his touch away in waking state too is when post moments makes you question your sanity like how’s that even possible or normal……like do these happen for real or it’s your mind living him away in places moments with this missing growing by the second every day now…

Be it the other day in the shower morning morning and that sense of him that strongly that you rush to take a pic in towel itself cause that’s how strongly you felt him in that moment!!!!!!

To not finding him or waking upto him this morning and this weather since 2 days been raining to hazy and cloudy and it’s that wait this morning as it was very cold morning and you keep turning self talking to him for him to come to just see him and then fir uthjaaati pls come pls come for a second like you were actually sleep talking to him aaj tho and finally wake up as the alarm goes off!!

To this need to workout today even with flo cause you just had tooooo feeeeel him live him kaiseee bhi!!!!!!

And post workout through the moves play this track and as you move and bend through that feeeeeeeel of him over you and in some move you feeeeeeel away that same feeel over your neck and you lose balance and fall bad and as you do laugh away akelee akele commenting on your own madness away……eyes shut again back to the same posture and thus feeeeeel to that sound of him chuckling awaaaay that adoooootably and it was the Dd moment…..

At his place he cracks some joke on you over your dumb blonde moennt for the zilluonthtime and it cracks you up and you laugh away non stop to snorting and laughing again and the way he just looking at you smiiiiiling that adooooorably as you roll over his bed and still couldn’t hold back your laugh and the waaay this one moment he comes over pulls you like straightening you up and holds your face and chummis you away and HOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

It’s that sudden THAT much of him to live away and you were just LOST!!!!!!!

The waaaay he again stops in between moves a lil away watches you and does it again!!!!!!

And then moves over to the other side and then watches you again smiiiiiilingaway !!!!!!

And you didn’t know what it was bout and smiling away adooooooraly says see that was easy you were almost choking on your own laughter so had to stop…… to moments later and the way he slowly whispers away saying he saw you snort and laugh after a very long time……

Like the only person in the world who used to love seeing you laugh that way and the waaay that day too after that long too he did remember your laugh and the way you used to back then…

It’s this moemnt recall after very long today!!!!!

It’s the waaaaaay he not just knew you also did remember details bout you……..

It’s this feeeeeeel of him lately like feeeels different and this strong like literally living away the part 2 of your love away by feeling him this way missing him this way living him away this way!!!!!!

And to him comings also coming that way!!!!!!

This rush post workout today cause you felt him over that strongly how still donno this rush right now even writing it out and wishing to live feeeeeel away for real like THIS!!!!!!!!

It’s like your skin knows his touch away sense of him away to this extent!!!!!!!

Beautiful absolutely beautiful madness I say!!!!!

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