Tuesday 21 November 2023

Morning rush…

 People may say a zillion words and more quote the bestest of lines and words but it all comes down to that one moment of the moments in the way they just look at you…without saying a single word…

Like you can say a lot bout them and how they feel for you in just the way they look at you like these are also the moments when the words they may say may seem otherwise but just the way they look at you says it all away…

This morning from a long long deep dream and waking up like that one again one of those that you can’t possibly write out the details of but thaaaaaaat rush of him to allowing you to live your rush away for him and that feeeeeeeeeeeel as after he just stays that way one hand under his head and just looks at you not a word not a movement nothing at all just the waaaaaay he stays that way looking you in the eye……..and there’s this pace of rush and passion like giving a break and then at a distance and just living you away and that’s when all of you on the inside is not ready for that break for that distance like all of you being pulled drawn that strongly like current water currents towards him…..like can’t stand that distance kinda vibe…

To this other moment soon as you were up with that same rush still through you breathing high and weren’t ready to get off the bed as yet and as you turn that one glimpse or moemnt of him like driving and looking at you to the side and that one adoooooooooooooooooooorably beauuuuuuuutiful smile of his and you wake up trying to Lok for him cause again one of those moments that felt THAT real…….like he was actual mein there kinda real!!!!!!

To this morning morning work call and you had to be there at the studio to sort something out and you just couldn’t head back home again after sorting it and that need to feeeeel him more……cause amidst work that one constant rush of him that one face of his playing on loop like you just wanted to feeeel him like you do post workout like you couldn’t get it off your head……

And come back home for the workout and this new attempt to try free hand boxing again with this new hip hop playlist blame it on that but was the best thing you tried!!!!!!!

Super pumped to that one moment of playing that one track and ayyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa on drives with his sister sitting in the front with him and you right behind him and sudeney the way he would seee I can’t see you at the back as it’s too dark……

His sister asking what it was about and him just smiling away switching the topic!!!!!!

Not being able to see you through the rear view and yet he knew you were living him away through it…..

Like you even ask him over the call that night how did he know you were watching him and the waaaaay he that sexily says I somehow could feeel your eyes on me like that feel was that strong in that moment…

To all those dear view moments of him living you away to this one moment as you bend forward and trying to stretch side ways movement one leg out one arm out and that same second that feeeeeel of his leg and arm over your leg and arm like you could that strongly sense and feeeeeel his touch away the way he used to and as you move a lil more stretching upwards that soft feeeel of his nibble over the neck……

Again one of those things you stopped writing out cause it’s just that beautiful state of madness absultre madness to still be able to feeeeel him sense his touch and feeel of his presence in the very much waking state and then to read out your state of mind as you write the moemnt now……

But again today the dream the start of the day this rush you are feeeeeling right now like you just had too!!!!!!!!

This mind right now again wishing hoping away for mornings for dreams like these to be that beautifully really real for real mein too……..

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you Goregaon again typo and you let it be gorgeoussssss lil big afooooooooiorably sexy thing how only you were missed abiiiiiiu ke abiiiiiiuu!!!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this mind from being that lost last night to being found like this this morning!!!!!  

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