Monday 13 November 2023


 Even yesterday it was the work schedule lately plus the post shipping disaster that you had to deal with and then the flu happened constant sneeze cough and temperature like the moment you get into this outfit and stand before the mirror looking at yourself something just like that changes in you…that one instantl shift that you could feeel rush through you!!!!!

As you brush through your hair that sound of his voice over the call there’s this blue dress karely that am looking at this other store and I really love that would you want the same green that you liked or this one that I loved and that beautiful pause and he knew that’s all you wanted even the second he brings it over at your place later in the evening and you keep the cover aside as your mom was around……and he shows you in ishaara to see it and tell him after she leaves and second or two and he just couldn’t takes the cover himself takes out the outfit and asks you to go change into this and come…

And you looooooooooooooooved the waaaaaay he had said it with her still standing there and you fataaak se get off and go change and come out and he wasn’t there…your mom and sister in the kitchen and he leaves a message asking you to come out and he was on the terrace and the second you go out running oytwrally him in that corner waiting for you…

Stand there and the waaaaaaaaaaaay he looks at you and with that THATone smiiiiiiile on him!!!!

It was fitting you the biggest cause it was two size bigger and yet yiy should’ve seen his face charlie it’s that look in the eye that makes you feel the most beautiful woman alive I say kinda look kinda Khushi rushing throug him……

Comes closer holds you from your shoulder again looking at you pass se and that low tone but love high tone of his voice says perfect just I thought it would……like the second I saw it over the rack I just could visualise you in that and I so badly wanted to see it on you!!!!!

This color of blue!!

Yesterday swollen face than normal self swollen nose fcked up throat a lil high on temperature standing before the mirror just with the two toned Kajal on and brushing through your hair you felt the prettiest after a very very long time!!!!!

Like last you remember feeling this way when it used to be dressing up for him cause after tat you don’t remember ever lining a complete eye of Kajal bhi……cause you were that used to back then with him!!!!

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