Sunday 19 November 2023

Used tooo!!!!!

 Some feeeeels you can tooootally get used to!!!!!

Side turning more than half alsoee and seeing him beside you on the pillow and you fataaak se turn back to that side again cause you were almost up and more than asleep stil and still see him looking his beauuuuuuuuuuutiful best with those sleeeep eyes and messiiiest hair!!!!!!!

It’s this feeeeeeeeeel of waking up in winters gets colder sometimes and then there’s this beauuuuuutiful warmth of his closeness around and beside you like seconds back…

It’s the even more beautiful after feeeeels that it fills your heart with with THAT big sigh if only for real tooo!!!! 

Every and any single person place animal or thing living the beauuuty of his presence touch sense feeeeel sound breathing the same air as him luckiest on the face of this world I say!!!!!!!!!!!

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