Thursday 16 November 2023

To live him!!!!!!

 It’s when you’ve lived someone that much and that in detail like every expression of their every smirk frown or smile and just watching it you can sense the exact sound or sigh they would’ve made even with no sound……

This beauuuuuuuuty of living him and HOW bad you miss it!!!!!!!

That one talking smiling breathing form of love like you live him and there’s nothing but just LOVE and too much of it that you can feel away!!!!!

Also making you realise as you relive moments of living him away his every detail away how badly you just miss him being him moving around playing around goofing around like one asooooooooorable kid him just being HIM!!!!!!

To that one adoooooorable picture of his wit his sister and uncle and by his expression it used to be same one post lecture expression of his!!!!!

Something’s you just help it as much as n outsider you feel now standing that far off and looking in like it just feels so wrong sometimes and then there’s that one moment of living him your heart lives and the waaaaaaaaay it feeeels away like right now be it on the drive post work same galli that reminds you of the opera  and lanes around and this one trip you feeeeel away!!!!!!

How much more missing is way too much missing!!

Like how can something this not right kind in your heart feeeeel this right this strongly!!

How do you even not live a face a hooooman like that one…after having lived and loved the only one all your life almost!!!!!!

The waaaaaay it opens away all gates possible awakening your soul away in the most beauuuuutofully calm sometimes wild ways possible…like suddenly you are this full of life breathing living like ekdum se you can sense every heart beat of yours like suddenly you can sense every breath you take every goosebump you feel this strongly away just by living that beauuuuuutt of him…….where you donno if to look at tiny ringo grown that big or him being ezaaaactly how he was as you remember from that night from Bangalore…

Same gorgeousness of his daaaaaadi that literally feeeels like your heart over his chin cause that’s HOWMUCH you used to looooove his daaaadi ayyyaaaaaaaa like your poooora heart!!!!! Smell sense feeeel touch of his daaaaadi!!!!!

Him being just as he was exactly how you remember living feeeeeling loooooving him away at his dd space!!!!!!

Some sounds and moments you relive now and this state of mind now again!!!!!!

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