Saturday 25 November 2023


 When writing writing you drop your fone on your face n immediately start this other one right now …


He has jheloed a zillion of your most dumb moments which is also why dumb blonde was one of the other things he used to call you too….

The first most one definitely has to be this one…..

Initial most chummi rush moments at your staircase space just before he leaves after dropping you n in between the chummi rush something pokes keeps poking n you suddenly start looking what it was over him saying remove your cellphone no it’s poking n he just chuckles away that adoooooorably n letting you look for it over him and as you do for smetine this one time he holds your hands away with that same grip he used to suddenly in between a moment and comes close to your ears karely that’s not cellphone n you go closer ask him then what’s it n the way he looks down looks up at you looks you in the eye like he ncevee did before n stays that way……it’s my and just stops still looking you in the eye!!!!!

And you just hold him away literally hiding away in him and tge wayyyyyyyhe holds you back that night……

Like this momnent is this clear his expressions the way he looks down him chuckling away as you look for it over him him saying that to you the sound vibe of his voice that night… it was just yesterday!!!!!!!!

Just before leaving the way he comes holds you again telling you he loves you all the more now!!!!!

Like after that too there were a zillion times he did explain things away tell you things away teach you things awy that beauty of him charlie!!!!!!

Never for even once did he ever tell you otherwise he was always all the more excited over it asking what else can I tell you!!!!!!!

It just feeels like beautifully ajeeb like you’ve almsot grown up with him growing up together kinda feel cause you literally did after him…

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