Saturday 18 November 2023


 The only person the only touch the only way you ever wanted to be loved felt touched by and this wait having been forever…….

It’s like everytime you see him it’s this feeeeeel of too many way too many wishes hopes desires longings and dreams lived and yet missed!!!!!!!

Today too in that rush of him you actually say it by telling him chummi me the same way and he exactly knew what you meant by it and he does it the exact same way nibbling over and then that shift with a rush…….

Writing it now this goooosebumoed all over!!!!!!

How much missing is too much missing and how many of wishes you make for it to finally come true for real…!

The gate behind him exactly where you were standing as he whispered away closest to your ear where even touches your ear and stays that way and you don’t move an inch like you wanted to eat his face away the waaaaaay he comes that close cause it had been that long having felt him like he was that close and yet and the way he says don’t want to but have to……

That tone of his voice that deep love high tone gets in the car and stays that way……

The car lights blinking you just waiting for him to come back or that need to run to him but it was his place and you had to maintain that distance a lil away from him when his place and the waaaaaay he just stays that way charlie looking at you through the side view…….

That very place again standing with his family chachi chacha his sister uncle and some other aunt robit there as he leaves for Bangalore and he stands there near the car asking the driver to go on the other side him wanting to drive and stays there looking you in the eye just you as rohit even says something bout how he was only looking at you……

And that one nod of him smiiiiling away that smile of his like you knew exactly what and how he felt in that very moment with his nod and everybody around asking away what happened kittu kyaa and something and he smiles some more and gets in the car and leaves……

You were that beauuuuutifully lost like it did literally become your another one of your most fav moments wit him…

Every single day this one feeeel charlie like your heart core of you needs just love to feel that sense of completely alive like every nerve in you every drop of blood every sense you feel live needs that sense of love to feel this alive to know experience what it is to be fully alive…

Everytime you write some memory down and this feeeeeeeel it fills you up with like right now you did get that luckiest in life with Him….

But ringo definitely much much more luckiest I say!!!!!!

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