Thursday 9 November 2023


When you are literallllly experiencing the beautifuller version of the gate opening concept of stranger things!!!!!

Like THE gate is opened and you are trying doing struggggggling your best to tame tone down the gate instead of completely closing it away!!!!!!

And you stop writing for a bit listening to the sounds that were only more adding to the gate opening…….

And with no dream this morning but flu and bloating kicking in yes flu it is again and a lil temperature but there was that neeeeeeed to feeeeeee him away live him away zooone out and away closer to all things and feeeeels him!!!!!!

Get the worst workout possible of 15 mins plus that need to just be slow with your moves and thaaaaaaaaat feeeeeeeel of him as you do that some asana of holding one hand to the other at the back and this rushhhhhhhh of him over and under the arm with this one sound on loop and that sound and sense of him!!!!!!!

Like it starts from there and you actually work on the moves which you weren’t intending to initially cause you just wanted to feeeeeeeeel him away as you moved through the moves like feeeeel more of him away that way and that saaaaame magically beautiful mess you end up with cause with every move downward outward stretches arms reached out he is just that beauuuuuutifully like al through the eyes shut and you feeeeeel that sense of his same touch like he used to back then just softly touch the skin away!!!!!!

There’s that beauuuuuuuutoful sense of losing yourself away in that zone charlie it’s surreal like it’s not happening and also that happening for real kinda vibe…….

Like all of you as much as you wait for his dreams you waiiiiit to live him away like this!!!!!!!

This state of mind like right now every single time post workout it’s a Himzone you land into and HOW!!!!!!

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