Saturday 18 November 2023


 It’s this strong feeeeeel on the inside even in sleep charlie like you turn or something and this need to go back to that same turn cause even before his presence you had that strong feeeeel strong calling in you like there he will soon be as just as you turn with that wait and hope to find him any moment and that sudden change in the air like it you could just sense that shift and before you know there he was immediately holding you away like fataaaak se with that strong grip and just by the way he holds you THAT missing of his!!!!!!!

It’s been this mix of feeeels and irony missing him more lately it’s like no matter where you are what you do it’s like everybody around the thing you are busy at everything just like that disappears and there’s this need this longing to just be and feeeeeel him away in your mind…

This love recently on drives be it work or sometimes later in the evening to just be out and take the longer route home and play this music and the waaaaaaay you feeeeel him away be it on drives or at opera…….under the night sky his music playing and living the rush away living that beauuuuuuty of him away like lately he has been coming exactly how he used to hold you away the second you reach your spot at opera like you could sense that feeeel that wild rush in him the way he would the second stops the car one moment of looking you in the eye to live that same feeeling in you too smiiile that smile away and just………

It’s that same feeeeel lately and that’s all the more leaving you feeelinf away all this!!!!!

Every lil detail of him every lil expression of him every time of his voice every different way he used to touch you feeel you like anything to everything him and this rush THIS rush it’s filing you up with!!!!!!

Like right now there re things you shhodnt be writing but this very moment this rush after a presence like that one!!!!!

You just donnooooooo!!!!!!!!

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