Saturday 4 November 2023


 From where to where only the mind went awaaay I swear!!!!

Soooo yeahhhh to this moemnt post bup meet dropping you back till auto from his Dd space and soon as he gets in the car you just look at him and a lil farther stil living him away as he talks bout something and the waaay at some signal he stops the car much before the signal road still empty ahead and just looks you in the eye smiiiiiling away full heart and says kitttti khush hoti nai tu mujhe dekke soorat dekh teri……

And just before getting off his car he asks you to turn around and look at him as you had your back towards him and you do and the waaaaaay he just smiles away looking at you and nods in a way saying like now you could get off and the second you get into the auto the way he texts why does your face do this!!!!!!

Like again he could that clearly see the change in you from being with him to having to get off and head home away from him…….

The very same thing he used to say back then too how does your face get this happy seeing me and everytime he would say that you should’ve seen his face instead charlie like he would have this biggest smile possible the second he would see you even doorse waiting for him as he comes closer to the apartment and smileeeee away doorse just watching you wait for him……the second you get in the car aaaju baaaju what will people think that you are smiling that happily looking at them….

Like that Khushi has always been there inside like that’s how you wer made kinda vibe with his face with his presence and you have no control over it even in his absence now any memory recall even at work and suddenly you are lost and smiling away akele akele!!!!

It’s something that’s always been there inside for him……this Khushi on auto mode that comes along with him and HOW!!!!

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