Thursday 5 October 2023

The Himcomings!!!!!!

 Ayyyaaaaaaaaaa these waaaaaays he comes running running literally inmmeeee aisaichhh real mein kaikuuu nai aaa jataaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

Like you literally wake up and close shut your eyes and make that wish after years prolly of this very dream to come true!!!!!

Cause there were 2-3 dreams Ina row aaj tho kal tho!!!!!!

There’s this dark room and in some corner you see these radium like psychedeliccc lights and the closer you go the shape and size of those lights grow reflecting all around and over you and that amuses you as you stop and you look at yourself with those different light reflections and shapes over you and try to touch it on yourself and that very second first the scent of himmmmmm hits your senses and that visual of his hand touches you you were wearing this black kurta that you recently got thanks to him……and his hand over your stomach feeling that shape of the light over you and that THAT level of excitement and khsuhiiii knowing he was right there and you make sure to not make any sudden movements as much as all of you wanted to rush and chummi eat him up you look up and slow and he was agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain wearing the sexxxxedupblackshirt of his and looks you in the eye with that adooooooooooorabkr smile and touches you again over the stomach and moves up and then with the other hand touches over himself showing you he was wearing the same one…..

He loooked that beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful charlie his sleeeeepy high eyes the smiiiiiiiiiiile of his ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa makes everything inside of you literally jump out of joy it’s that trance state of mind it immediately lands you in the psyyychedeluc lights in the background him looking that gorgeouslyyyyyy adorable and sexy all at once that close to you with just feeling you away and the waaaaaaay this rush in you and he sees it and nods away still looking you in the eye without a single blink holds your hand by the wrist just like again he used to exact same way and as the grip grows tighter his transforms it was like these transitions in him were frame by frame like you could literallllly live each detail of his expression and move it was that beauuuuuuutifully slow…..and this sound something and it shakes you up and you wake up tabhiii k tabhiii that rush in you to fataaak se close your eyes and try and sleep again…

But this thing bout you and your sleep once you wake up it takes you forever to go back to sleep and you keep turning with that inside talk pls aja pls aja mera moment hai pls aja…..

Play his music with earplugs on and that lands you in this other one which you don’t want to get into details cause high hoped dreams like this one specially after a a very long time you don’t wanna write out here and then when you re read again makes you feel otherwise……

Like it was that beauuuuuuuuutifullu real to just live moments like these to see him that way to see yourself that way wit him in his life was magically beautiful…

To this other one and you don’t remember the details of these cause you could hear him talk move around like keeps holding you by the arm with that grip pulling you with that sense of missing rush in him that you could feel in that first dream itself just by his touch the waaaay he holds uou away!!!!!!

To this stage of mind it lands you in like you wake up and wish for it away!!!!!

Cause that’s how strong these moments were his presence was his touch was like you could see him that close and that clear looking that really real for real……

To this need to feel him more and rush for workout and finding this song Bollywood cause lately with this him rush you are loving this chillarness and feeling things away!!!!!!

This song you didn’t know of and the viiiiiiibe of it play it on even with the post workout move and this thing when doing you tie your hair al up with pins included so the shoulder and neck all clear so doesn’t interrupt your moves…

That very moment working on the shoulder stretch and the waaaaaaaay you feel his hands again move around your neck just like it did from the dream…..knowing not writing these out but some day you just need to cause it was thatbrauuuutifully connected like from the dream to him coming the same way even with your eyes shut to feel him the same exact same way……in your waking state!!!!!

As crazy as this sounds it’s a zone charlie like suddenly you feel it all change around and in you like you can feel it that strongly!!!!!

How what why donno but that strong core feeeeeel like you know you can feel his presence for real and also why you make sure to keep your eyes shut through the moves……

This mind now this you now ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaa kaisaaa aisaaaaaa waisaaaa waisaaaaa kaisaaaaaa yaaaad aaaare ji tum……slightest bhi if he knew I swear!!!!!! 

It’s been showing on you lately like you can see it in you it’s different yiu suddenly look different there’s this something glow that has come lately it’s just all different like it used to be with him when with him that beauuutifully laced away with all his love for you…

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