Friday 6 October 2023

Days daze!!!!!

Some tracks and this immediate state of mind can land you in!!!!!!!

Let’s start with the best part of the mind that it’s turning out into!!!!!

Like you yourself questioning your sanity levels tak baaat aagayi!!!!!!

It was a looooong day of work and then some returns the fav most drive to Kukatpally cause it alwaaaaays brings along some him magic or the other you still donno why what or how’s it connected even it’s not even one of those places that you’ve been to with him back then and hey!!!!!! 

More on that coming soon………

To coming home real late and watching this nowhere that lands your mind nowhere and you pass out over the couch not even half through it….

And this habit of yours no matter what you are watching over tv there’s always some music of his playing on the side……just so of you fall aslee there’s that sound still playing…

And this one turn and this sudden strong scent of him and that sound of him landing over your couch kinda shake and before you even make sense of that moemnt the chummi like you couldn’t even open your eyes to live him or anything like he literallllly rushes over with the chummi and HOW!!!!!!

Like feeling it that strongly and deep like it was the longest chummi of the dreams of all these years ever…….again that beauuuuuuuutifully telling you showing you letting you know how much he missed you…….something’s you write and read it again and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel right now!!!!!

Like it was that strong and as you make the sound he stops for a second and that sound of his chuckle in between to your sound and at it again…….

To this one time some sound or track change it was and you wake up like eyes were tightly shut just like it used to be back then with his chummi and the weiiirdest beauuuuuuuuuty of the dream magic of his was this lil side drool around mouth…..

Something’s can never make sense what’s this even to feeeel him that strongly and this way!!!!!!!

To wake up to that proof of the epic himcoming moment too…

To this morning this need to rush for workout and midway through finding this one song you’d never heard of cause you don’t listen to proper Bollywood tracks especially the mush ones and this one beauty of the track…..

The state of mind it lands you in was something else…….

Apna bana liye piya!!!!!!

The words the vibe of the song and this ironic missing state of mind it landed you in……

Again something’s like these this clearly show on your face and this you notice mid way workout selfie and post workout selfie!!!!!!

Slightest of him and the waaaaaaays it just transforms you like this!!!!!!

The first thing manager comes over to drop some bags and rushes to the washroom and you rush to her fone to just see and there’s nothing it’s been long since hasn’t been posting but today ther was this need to see something of him live some moemnt of him……

Again one of those things beyond logics!!!!!!

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