Sunday, 29 October 2023

Youday vibe…!

 How do you even define out some logics of the way of love…

What can possibly make you feel happiest is the most random thing for the rest and what and how you feel bout it is another story altogether……

Like you come back home with these many feeeels that actually skip dinner and had to fataaak se take down a few new meow gin just soooooo you can write it out and not stop at all thinking of you should be writing it out or not……

It’s this logic of journaling that you were introduced today……

As when the dermat checks your neck and is shocked by how can ir not possibly itch you as it was a deep tone red and after all examination terms as a stress rash work has been stressful but you think it’s because she shouldn’t possibly come up with a reason that must have caused the rash she calls ir that and asks you to journal your day out and stuff to understand the amount of stress you are taking at work on an everyday basis and in your head even in that very moment you are living this journey of yours of writing out this missing rush for him when he rushes how he rushed and then suddenly why aren’t these rushes happening for real bit all through that chat she was talking bout all this in your head this time of the night writing the him out was the only thing you were thinking bout……

To the second you step out and this is the second time when this very same song is something that randomly stumbles through your day some car slows by and this very song playing tu pehla pehla pyaaaar hai mera…….

And to your other side this one guy walking the other wearing a brown shirt and for some reason the way he looked that familiar on the side from the back like him whilst her still talking bout something you just walk away and follow the guy away to the other side…….

This feeeeeeeel charlie today making sure you don’t go too close but also that neeeeeeeeeeeeeed to just live him away for real and you almost hiding closer to these lil trees fence wise on the side and finally turns around as somebody calls out Anil or something and it wasn’t him!!!!!!

That one droooooooop of a feeeeeeeeeeel is worse much much more worst than any worst drop in some epic track playing!!!!!

Like suddenly you feeel like somebody pushed you out of your dream and you live that fall……

The guy still looking at you standing that way behind this tree and you again same excuse of some call and about turn and her looking at you asks you first thing you should’ve mentioned bout these zoning out habits of yours too it must be cause or that !!!!!!!

To that moemnt now soon as you come mom watching coffee with Karan sipping wine away and suddenly comments he used to look at you with that same feeel like with such determination commenting on Ranveer looking at Deepika!!!!!!

And you shocked ojndrop silence inside wondering she should definitely have more win sometimes………

It’s this feeeeeeeel now again sound playing him rushing and this one question on loop what do you want this buzzzzzzz of him lately like you are this rush highhhhh mind wise mooooof wise and you donnoooo just donnooooo how to tame it down now!!!!!!

A day today like this one a mooooood like this one today right now this buzzzzzzz of him with that one logic!!!!!

Saving the day away cause it’s this one October Magic it was as it’s almost done and this one month alwaaaaaays!!!!!!

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