Saturday 21 October 2023

Sound of music…!

 Andddddd some sounds just like that!!!!!!

Every word visuals with clips of moemnts and the waaaaaaay it feels like it’s just for you cause it pretty much sums up away every feeeeeeeeel of him moemnt with him lived…

This day alreaaaaaady and this neeed to find the opera place and just goooo there to live him today…

Reality bit can’t go alone with driver can’t take anybody there cause it’s your hideout place and can’t even reason it out!!

Beauty of some ironies I swear!!!!!!   

This one song mulakaat ayyaaaaaaaaaaaa ALL OF HIM!!!!!!!

Every single word this pure beauty of moemnts lived with him…!

I wrote a song for youuuuuuuuuu ohhhh all the things you dooooo

Your skinnnn oooooo ur skin n bones

Turn into something beautiful

I love you soooooo!!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaa tummmmm bhotttttt zooooor zoooooooooor seee aisaaaaaaa waisaaaaaaaa kaisaaaaaa kaisaaaaaaaaaa yaaaad aaaare ji!!!!!!!!!!

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