Thursday 26 October 2023


 Once at work when you get off half way and that comment from the manager too as she was trying to finalise and explain things but it’s this thing charlie this month this one month of your life is when you are more on this Him mode…

And there’s this exclusive mode almost you are on and beyond that even if you try to can’t feel a thing…….your mom on speaker as you were just bout to leave and the way she says some days she can’t reach you even in your presence like you are just not here even being very much present and you just couldn’t stop smiling realising that it was all that evident and you tell her you are out wil be a lil late home…

Book a cab which made you realise today auto would’ve been much cleaner and you finally head out to this Balaji temple at jubile hills as it has the on top of a hill vibe like his Sanghi temple…

Like you needed that peace somehow from somewhere that made you feel somehow closer to him…….

Once there it only felt ajeeber loneliest you’ve felt in a long long time!!!!!!

Maybe that’s what happens when you are loved too much and when you relive that love on some days it hits you harder than you are prepared to feel away today that one hour there was all and more bout those very feels….

From seeing the moon through those blocks as the mind diverts to the block and that feeeeeeeel why of all days today you had to notice the block the block block kinda block……..

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