Thursday 26 October 2023

Dream signs…

 THE himcoming like THIS one!!!!!!

It was a baaaaaaaaaaaad food poisoning yesterday with that sandwich for lunch and even after all that throwing up and weird feel last night this morning having passed out again while writing and this one turn or something and this sudden shake like literally shaking you up…..

And you just go hmm hmm and that SOLID shake again sniff around to check and that scentttttt of him just like the few days back drive and that pulllll along with that scent of him and you turn and the way he moves his hand over your face in a rush like roughly moving his hand over your face and you actually say it out again haan uth gayiii and the second you open your eyes like even in sleep you were sure you will wake up but you didn’t…..

There he was this time different this deep red tone but same fabric shirt same deep wide unbuttoned style of his and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay he looooked that sexiiiiiily gorgeous and that first thing you say tu ye color pehle kabhi nai pehnaaa nai and that nod of his as he comes closer and you move a lil back to check him and his wide neck out the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay he looked that sexxxxxxed up in that color charlie like his face had that beauuuutoful glow his eyes same super sleeeepy and even as you were liivngbloooving his details away that rush in him and the waaaay he holds you away chumming you over the shoulder your arms just in that rush chumming your presence away and you keep saying merku waha nai proper chummi hona like you try to move and he tightens his grip over not wanting to move you and you that BAAAAAAAADLY wanted to chummi his face away and you keep shaking trying to move just so you could and this one you shouldn’t have try to move and you wake up……

That fataaaak se feeeeling even in sleep as body wise it was a weird state but mind that beauuuuuuuuuuutifulky high on him looking all things that he was!!!   

Fataaak se talk out actually akele akele okk wapis and you try to sleep back just hoping wishing he would come again same way to waking up fibalky sometime back with this mind is getting more lunatic day by day I swear!!!!!

If only these dream signs of his love for you like even quarter percent of these signs were happening for real as you waiiiiiit for some sign from him you wouldn’t have felt this way everytime you talk out akele akele in that rush of a moment and question your own sanity away…….

A day like this one already and that him in that shirt in that way playing on looooooop right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The things and waaaaaaaays you’ve dreamt him in I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!  

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeooooooous sexxxxxeupppppppp lil big adooooooooooorabkr thing how only you were missed subah subah!!!!!!!!

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