Monday 16 October 2023


 With a start to the day like THIS ONE today to the loooooongest working day after now on the couch like your soul yearned for this calm…..mind overworked soul yearning for that beauuuuuuty of him to just feeeeeeel it all away right from the very first time you felt something for him right from the very first time you lived that beauuuuuty of him right from the very first time your hand wanted so bad to feel his hand away just his hand away back then that is!!!!!!!

This one movie sums it all this beauuuuutifully!!!!!!!!

Eating dinner stopping in between cause jn some scene it was that exact same vibe of him to some other too and some other again ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaay this movie brings that much of him from the start and HOW!!!!!!!!

Eyes sleepy and heart this full right now to just live him with this movie cause in your mind there’s another story track playing of his as you watch this one every single time…

Chippppppppppy if you only knew how bad HOWWWWWWW BADDDDDDDDDDD you’ve been missed lately!!!!!!

Like only if there was some waaaaaaay I swear charlie!!!!!!!!

To scream this missing out to tell him how much you miss him and today was tho heiiiiiiiiiughts to another level only!!!!!!

This THIS movie every single time…!

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