Thursday 19 October 2023

One mood to the other!!!!

 Whataaaaa drop!!!!!!!!

One mooooooood to the other!!!!!!!

Wake up with that one moooooooooood of him his smell just that closeness of him to his sound and moments like that viiiiiiibe of him again in a rushhhh like you could sense that by the way he was breathing high like he was in a rush like he missed you too much and suddenly with your presence he was making the most kinda vibe!!!!!!!

Eyes shut all through like you try n move a lil away and he holds and pulls you back there was thatneeed to see him and him wanting to just live you away…….

To waking up and that lost mood of missing him a lot more missing out on seeing him it’s this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of some moments charlie him holding pulling your face closer to his and you tryinggggggg to move an inch away just so you could live his face his deeetails cause that’s how baaaaaad you miss seeing him living his details with that new longing to see that picture of his from upclose!!!!!!

One mood to the other start wit braxton and this very feeeeeeel of him and you take few pictures and post workout you take one and delete it immediately cause it was one moooood dropped to the other and it was that evident !!!!!!

To workout somehow pushed through and this one his niladri track from back then play and the waaaaaaaaaaay it brings back that night at his place post being high on his psy beedi for the first time and in his sisters room the very same track playing…….and you were hiiiiiiiigh on him that waaaaaay for the first time with him being just in the next room and you in the other…

To when he comes over with biryani with his sister aspeel and starts to feed you that rushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for him and yet holding it back Cause he was being a lil distant and as you share the trip of the walls moving seeing his skin from closest the waaaaays he chuckles away that adoooooooorably and whispers away meri gf trip karri and that pause immediately……there was that beauuuuuuuty of that night charlie his eyes him staring living your details away just by his stare like moving all over you and yet maintaining that distance and you wanting just to be with him cause it was that first time feeeels it was different very different that beauuuutifully mad bad wild and yet that silence and distance…

Like al tbeofhb the moves today you lose the balance cause the mind all of you back in that same space with that same sound playing living him away…….

The waaaaaaaaaay he just knew that night what you’d felt and how you’d felt to the way he actually cltnued that very topic in that first call post bup……saying I know how you felt that night at my place and you knew it already and apologises for not being with you…….

Everytime this song the waaaaaaay you get pulled to that very moment sharing your trip with him living that experience for the first time him feeding you to touching your face slowly wiping the rice away and sometimes staying that away touching it again…… like he was being around standing at the door post biryani before bkryani like living your presence away and you just sitting on the bed and once or twice you try to get up and he nods away saying not to and still stays there living you away!!!  !!!

He was that close THAT close living you your details like he had never before with the sound playing and the mind that THAAAAAAAAT high on him!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa even as you write now this mind already!!!!!!!!

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