Monday 23 October 2023


 One word and this pullllllll!!!!!

Microsoft and brings him along in the most adoooooorable of ways…

Take the day off cause you just couldn’t get your mind to it and stay home and just be with his music playing and sorting the house out……

Now watching his fight club most fav film and the second the word Microsoft happens it brings him along and HOW!!!!!

Back then his ex used to work in Microsoft and this one time in the evening late he calls yih asks you to come down immediately….

Soon as you are down he was there all proper dressed and that one smile of his felt different as you looked in the car and him in ishara asks you to sit beside get in and he just looked different…

And you just ask him what’s up kisko milke araa all proper dresses up and with perfume on too which he never did with yiou bhi…

And that one smiiiiiile on him and asks you chai peeti like it was never bout the chai just your me time with him…….

Once there he asks you can I tell you anything like share anything and you nod away saying a yes and he looks away saying he met his ex that day and he should’ve asked you before but he didn’t and also mentions that she was abusing you that’s when he realised your love and importance in his life all the more…….and you just looking at him in the waaaaay he was sharing away all that with you!!!!!

There’s always that beauuuuuuuuty in him whenever he would share something with you like you looooooved him all the more no matter what the topic is like he could’ve avoided the abusing you bit but the way he was sharing it all away with you…

And then the most beauuuuuuuuutoful thing he mentions that you shared with him….he wasn’t sure bout sharing it with you but the way you looked at him knowing inside that he was out to meet some girl like you just knew it and the waaaaaay he just did know bout it by the way you looked at him without a word nothing at all…

This beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of something that you’d shared with him like he would just know it all by your face one look at you and he would just know it right away without anything else to be said or shared!!!!!!

And after al that share you just ask him why doesn’t he dress this way with you when out and the waaaaaaaaaay he holds you away that tight saying with you I don’t have to cause I know you love me anyway…

Post Thad meet he actually asks you over the call he was expecting some reasctiom from you and instead you just commented over how good he looked all dressed up and to you all that mattered was he shared with you and even more importantly he came back to you……to that he adds he never was there with some confusion in mind but came back loving you all the more post that meet…….

To telling you where she actually worked and things!!!!!!

He would just be himself and it made you love him all the more and THQR much away!!!!!!

Like even inn that moemnt as much as it did hurt or feel weird his face charloe that one face one expression to the way he looks you in the eye after sharing it all even in that moment all that mattered to you was he came back to you!!!!!!

Like that close to losing him in your head and finding him again was all that mattered to you!!!!!!!

Maybe too much happiness does come with that hint of fear nai!!

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