Friday 27 October 2023


 Like from there to back to the stadium lnabe and just bout to take that lane and there it was the epic cement truck like all that was left apart from him for real to live that feeeel of all the chummis chummied there in that very same lane and entire locality I say!!!!

Again ask to go slow cause there was you trying to make your way in your mind theofub that jungle back then in that same place and reliving that rush of just waiiiiting to be there like you could feeeel that strong rush between you both to just be there at the stadium cause that was also your mini makedo opera same back then…

And this one time actually actually lived him and HOW there was when he kept saying beech beech mein that I think we must leave and you just couldn’t move away from him couldn’t keep yoruself away from him and the waaaay him always being the more responsible and sensible one in these things kept saying over n over again and this one time that siren sound and the way he goes I told youuuuu let’s leave bolke and a lil angry gives you the instruction away and locks your door and this one cop just wouldn’t move from your window asking you to lower the window and he actually comes to this side and covers your window with his back against it…..

They finally leave and he gets back in the car and first thing he instead says is a sorry for saying that and you apologise instead and the waaaaaaaay he says that I was sorry for asking you not to want me the way you did which is why you didn’t want to leave that early or move away from me and holds you again…….and again how besharamly and actually without fear at it again……..

Only after a few mins finally decide to leave it was that feeeeeeeeeel charlie like you know loving someone something that bad living it for the first time in that way without any fear of touch and actually wanting to touch him feeeeel him live him loooove him as you do like losing yoruself and not wanting to be found again not wanting to get back to senses and actually staying that way…….it was also the first time he actually showed you what it was like to have his color of love over you….that was your first one!!!!!

As you move out from there and he stops suddenly turns the car light on and asks you to completely turn towards him and you do and raise your neck as he asks you to and he literally screams with a aiiiiishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aisa kaisa jaaaati tu ghar come off to my place only instead Teri maaa maaar dalti tujhe if she sees this!!!!!

And you don’t get it cause you didn’t know of it obvsly and he pulls out the oopar wala mirror of your side and show you and it was a deep red with a big one over your neck and you look at him and that one look in his eye and that feewwwwwel of being drawn again and you go closer and he does it again and that smiiiiiileeeeee on him watching you not react at all to that…

It was a beauuuuuuuutkful feeeeeeeling charlie like to know understand that logic of having a color of love that moment that rush that feeeeel being imprinted on you like that and the waaaay he slowly adds saying it actually stays for a few days and that smiiiile again watching you feel all happy bout that like you remember it was late evening and the way as driving he keeps looking at you beech beech mein not taking his eyes off your neck and eyes….

Cause that’s HOW happy it used to make you!!!!!!

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