Wednesday 18 October 2023

Some mornings!!!!!

 All it takes is that sense of him be it a sound a memory a touch a smell or just a whiff of him the air and the waaaaaaaaay this pull inside you like last night sound of him like lately he has been talking lot more by morning you don’t relay know what he was talking bout or even in the dream like you know he is talking but can’t make sense of the words…….it’s just that sound of his voice ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like even with eyes shut that scent of him that warm vibe of his closeness around you and just him talking and that feeeeeeeeeeeeel every single time it leaves you with is beyond words……

To this morning till this morning you keep switching sides waiiiiiting for him to come again and finally wake up and finally feel the last hectic weeks finally showing up cause something doesn’t feel right inside……hoping wishing PRAYING it’s not flu or viral again and still that need to feel him more aand show up for the workout after a lot of procrastination!!!!!

Like you were literally walking around moving around dancing almsot around till you finally decide to get it in…

This one artists and you donno how why or what but the waaaaaay these sets of this artist particularly gives away all ALL his vibes like it always brings back those drive vibes of him living that adooooooooorableness away and sometimes the passionate him away at opera but somehow or the other the waaaaaays it brings him along is almost magic like…

It’s not even something he just suggested back then and YET!!!!!

To the post workout moves all over the place when you couldn’t even get one move right today tho like the balance was al over the place…….and this one time you finally decide to just be and lie down and one track to the other switching ahajn and this sudden crave for his niladri and play it………

It’s him back then he used to say it as Niladri music was something his sister loved and was crazy about but after you it’s become you for him like the waaaaaaay he used to talk bout this one music saying it makes him love you want to love you al the more like he feels you with that music kinda vibe…

With his absence and living him away the same music it’s everything him charlie….

The waaaaaaays it makes you relive and feeeeel him away with almost any track of niladri is beautiful!!!!!!

Today as you just eyes shut and this music playing and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him all over the arm like suddenly that touch of him in a rush like to make you feel it that strongly away his presence…..

Again one of those things you write out and this sudden state of mind you are actually living hthese feels and moments away even in your waking state…….

This state of mind already!!!!!!!

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