Monday 23 October 2023


 Everytime you relive moments of living him away in moments like these!!!!!!!

Him sharing something like this or these chats over Skype sharing something else ironic and then to cry and live him sharing that with you and after sharing him asking would you still talk to me would you still love me continue to love me……

What do you even reply to a question like that one!!!!!!

Never for once after realising it was love with him did you ever have a doubt or questioned yourself bout it with a why still!!!!!

Cause that’s how it’s always been when it came to him it was just like it’s always been a part of you that you can’t decide or quit cause you can never quit on yourself never should…and that’s exactly how and what you’ve always felt bout him…

In that chat too after hours of that ironic sharing him asking you bout it and you amidst crying smile away asking him if he was attempting all this for that reason just so by the end of it you actually tell him otherwise and he nods away chuckling away…… a long beautiful pause just looking you in the eye just living your details away and then smiles away asking Tera mein kya karu…

And that’s something you somehow yourself couldn’t possibly figure out all these years……

He has always been the most beautiful part of you that core of you that can’t do without now…cause it’s not even upto you anymore!!

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