Friday 27 October 2023

Becoming, belonging!!

 One memory and this rushhhhhh of all those very moments lived and that feeeeel of him over around you and in that moment too that feeeeeel of becoming belonging with every bite taste and kiss!!!!!

It’s like the more you live those live that someone something in you in an auto mode becomes more and more to that person like you don’t even belong to yourself anymore like imprinted stamped kinda vibe……

It’s that sense of everything put together at once and there was this one time at opera you actually stop him in the middle of it and ask him after this tell me what after this like you were in that rush to just know to just live more to feeel more and that’s when he says no karely not going below the pants ok in that tone of voice and you didn’t even understand what he meant by that but by then he did drop you at that embarrassment level and your curious mind wanting to know more as you remember him having to step out and you know shouldn’t be writing it all out but like today just have to need to this state of mind and missing like you just neeed to get it out…….he steps out and comes back in not feeling right and you ask him how you can help him somehow and he nods away saying he wasn’t in pain but it was beautifully different and steps out again and asks you not to look this side and yet you do and he comes back in again…….

Noooob no completely and the waaaay he actually maintained that with you which he shouldn’t have!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeeling of everytime being that close to like THAT close to even in that meet at his Dd space that meet living a moemnt for the first time and hoping wishing maybe this time he will stay…maybe this time will happen!!!!

The only person you ever lived with felt with feared sometimes and then loved with and that close to after waiting for that long!!!!! This long!!!!!!!

Also why this one track find today his words from the dd meet Versova meet saying the very same words almost louder louder cause you were LOUD!!!!!!

Also why he would play the music loudest possible knowing you that well!!!!!!

Okaaaaaaaaaaaay now maybe gottaaa slow down the wiritjgn as this mind right now this shift in you can feeel it when you had to suddenly take the sweatshirt off as an hour back it was the coldest and suddenly now not so much anymore!!!!!

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