Friday 27 October 2023


 Some days like this!!!!!!

Right at the aamla mall place when the cops of all cars stops yours driver gets down for the car check and his words rush through you karely no matter what don’t get down…

The cops asking you to lower the window or get down and you get on the fone like calling someone the driver talks mins later they let you go without you getting down or lowering the window…

Beauuuuuuuuutoful moments of absolute madness n hint of magic!!!!!  

Of all the places of all the cars it had to be yours and of all the days it had to be today when these were the exact memories rushing through you right now…

Kitttuuuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaa tummmmm aisaaaaa waisaaaaaaaaa kaisaaaaa kaisaaaaaaa yaaaad aaaare ji…

Like even in that moment a lil scared with that many cops full force asking to get down or lower window and just his words rushing and inside lil talk no matter what won’t I say!!!!!!

His adoooooooooooorabke tone of voice in tensed moments like these teh waaaaaay he would that cuuuutely be all strict with you and making sure you follow his instructions!!!!!

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