Tuesday 31 October 2023


 Can the mind be this THIS high on missing someone this bad to feeeeeeeeel away moemnts like this even after waking up too……like is it even normal to live a feeeeel a face a touch even after waking up like right now to still feeeeel him away holding you even after waking up !!!!!!

THIS day as the missing grows and you are doing your best and yet these himcomings I swear !!!!!!!!

Ayyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa how only how muc only can you possibly miss just that one someone for these many heats away when years becomes autocorrect heats and that’s also true only to some extent!!!!!!

Nothing no other face just this one and on loop over a decade and today these many faces and not a single one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty as that one……..

Like that walking talking breathing form of magic …sheer magic!!!!!    

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaa you were missed missedddd misseddddddddddestest and more misses you can possibly go on writing!!!!!!

How can he not even feeeeeel away slightest bhi slightest tingle dingle bhiiii with all this missssing of yours you are pushing through the air waves away…

Slightest dingle tho atleast!!!!! 

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