Tuesday 24 October 2023


Some moments some visuals some realisations and the moooooood this moooooooooof they can land you in is beyond logics!!!!!!

Like yesterdays not wanting to work to today festival day off and ever since these feadiations and living reliving moemnts from then this feeeeeeeel it’s left you with!!!!!!!

To just realise that beauuuuuuuuuty to live him to love him and be loved by him and HOW!!!!!!!

Half lost state of mind finalky this time to just be his music playing mind a lil dizzy with lilst daru pink gin it was the worst thing ever tasted!!!!!!!

Play quantum of solace the only hadn’t seen first scene and this car thing takes you back to him again another scene cement factory visual and you just knowwwwww had to write it out…

Back then dropping you back home post bup and this cycle wala dashes into his car on your side first he panicked for you asking if you wrrr ok gets out screams at the guy and this drop of blood you see in the window pane pull down your window and he screams at you asking you to put it up…….

The second he gets back in screams in that same adooooooooorable tone that he used to in saying pehle have told you not to lower your window in situations like these why don’t you ever listen……

In that very second it hits you he was talking bout that cop at stadium night incident when the cops come over asking you to lower your window and you were just bout to and he holds your hand and strictly warns you from doing so and just before getting out again mentions no matter what don’t get out of the car or lower your window and locks you in and gets out to talk to them……

The waaaaaaaay even in that seriousness of the incident that evening he actually did remember and mentions bout the same…….after a moment or two you mention why was he screaming that bad at that guy as there was a drop of blood and was he okay n all and he gets even more adoooooorably mad at you asking how can you not be nthered about his car and more concerned bout that person bleeding and mentions you won’t understand now when you get your own car that is when you will understand this…….in your head there was no way at that moment and you still were bothered bout that person…

After a min or so looks at you living him away and smiles a lil and mentions in a more calm tone of his voice saying it was just a minor scratch on him but a deeper one over his car on your side of the door….

And plays his pink floyd crazy diamond!!!!!!!

Yes he was sure right bout it now you know the exact feeeeeel he was talking bout!!!!!

Apart from driving well the only one condition you make sure to keep it clear with the driver is to maintain clean well and to make sure the safety of the car like you are that possessive now even on turn the other day when some car comes waaaay too close and doesn’t hit the breaks and you had to stop and check if it did touch the car or not!!

It’s these lilst of things charlie and now the more you live changes like these the more you realise how much of him you’ve become…

It’s not even knowing or intentionally becoming but just the waaaaaaaaaays you’ve become this THIS much Him…

And even writing it now the waaaay it makes you smile away becoming the one you have loved and lived the MOST in your life…!

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