Friday 27 October 2023


 From THAT stadium lane to the chai galli and soon as you are there this Škoda on one side and you ask to park there take a picture and live him there for a bit that lane that viiiiibe there same time around back then…..

Like it was a lil cold there today too and some chai wala passed by and driver asks if you wanted to get one and you skip it instead and on your way home from there……

Like from that moment to finding this track and this state of mind you already were in everything almsot exaaaact same vibe what affect he used to have on you to think of it now even writing it now has the same almsot impact now too even in absence……

Kya kyu aisa nai maloooom charlie like to relive these versions of him today there be it the friendship madness bachpan love passion post distance love again and then this…..

And then to feeeeeeel him over your pillow almost every night literally answering away all your doubts questions of the day away like he was there to tell you show you make you feel his love away with his actions or words sometimes…..

Like it all feeeels that real sometimes steps beyond than what you’d lived with him for real to live that side too and then real mein this absence this block and this wait for some sign any sign to feel this connection with your dream him and the real him to make yoruself feel less lunatic to feeeeel all this away like today in your way back the waaaaaaaay the mind the body evrythung on the inside feeeeeeeing that much him away with that sense of your core belonging to someone not just on the outside!!!!!

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