Sunday 15 October 2023


On the stairs usual coffee session with him under the gym and you tell him you had to leave early today to find aamlas for the Diwali pooja and that sudden change in expression soon as you mention that…….

To that change later like a kid upto something and soon comes with he knows places where you could find Aamla and asks you if you would come along and finally do……

The waaaay straight up he takes you to these lanes beside his house saying all that while his house was just in next galli and if his chachu saw him with you would think u to be his gf and that pindrop silence and one look at you and that feeeeel of some sounds nai charlie to hear him say that to call you his gf was one of those beautiful sounds for the first time in your life….lil did you know that was just the start of it all!!!!!

As you just bout get out his car and stand there it was harsh sun you remember him making that same adooooooorable nose twitch expression looking at you and you move or something and he just asks you not to move and just stay that way like he was saving that moemnt of you there……..

And then finally one store to the store and this street had these rocky textured road and you used to wear heels back then also another change in you that happened with his entry in your life never wore heels again cause he didn’t like them like like was an understated word for the way he felt about heels!!!!

Why wear something when you aren’t comfortable line from him changed the whole concept of heels for you and never wore again all these years!!!!!

To this one time you were bout to trip or something and he holds your hand just like that and walks around that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like it’s still this clear the feeeeel of his hand over yours it was a beauuuuutoful grip the way he just holds your hand and that slight finger feel over your palm now n then…like Even you are at the store checking those pink sugar candies out he still was holding your hand!!!!!

Some moemnts this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel you were wearing this orange n red chudidar you had and him in his white tee and signature sound wale chaddis!!!!

Kittuuuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaaaaaaa how only you were missed abiiii ke abhiiiii!!!!!!

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