Friday 20 October 2023

To C!!!!!

 Another C added to the collection!!!!!

Out with mom for some jewellery buy before festival and the first and only thing you see and has your heart on it literalllllly is this one!!!!!!

And you show and finalise that one one look at it from your mom and the very much expected question from her is it for the moon or the alphabet!!!!!

And one of those inside conversations why ask something when you already know the answer nai…

This beauuuuuuty of some days already home now looking at it on your finger now this khushi…

And this a excitement inside always this day of the year your most looooooooooooved date of the year it’s his birthday soooooooooon!!!!!!!!

Singh miyaaaaaaaaAaaa how only you are being missed aboiiiiiii k abiiiiii!!!!!!

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