Friday 20 October 2023

How now!!!!!!

 How do you be normal act normal not smile away not daydreamzone away after seeing that face awaaaaay!!!!!!

How does he manage to look like one spark of magic just by being himself ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa THAT one expression that one face!!!!!!!!!!!

This missing right now when all you can feel think hear live is that one face on loop having chai mom talking listing out things for Pooja and you keep zoning in n out of it reliving him away and then to top it all to not smile or hide your rush and struggle that it’s not so evident on your face right now!!!!!!

LIKE HOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaa dillllll patanggggg saaaaaaaaaaaa doooooooor teriiiiii aurrrrrre kheeechiiii challiiiiiii ayeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! 

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