Sunday 15 October 2023


 A day or two before shoot is always the hectic most one with last min preps and changes and rush and amidst all there is this one constant rushhhhhh of the kittuuuuu miyaaaaa and to see yourself all over again in that same situation of not remembering days when you’ve been reminded for the same just a day before….but when it comes to Him dates ayyyaaaaaaaa the waaaaaays it all just flows through you every year this time around…

Like you get home real late after a day of work outside studio and the first thing you wanna do is write out this missing even before getting some food in and strictly no daru cause it puts you to sleep!!!!!!!

This one month every single year and right from the start of it it’s this beauuuuuuuuuty of the waaaays of the mind the way it this beauuuutifully traces back to that beauuuuuty of Him in your life right from the very start…

It’s this state of mind this mooooooood it always lands you in like you can sense smell live it in the air itself this beauuuuuuuuuuuuuty of your most loved month of life - October…

Cause it gave you Him for life…!

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