Thursday 26 October 2023

Sound of him!!!!!

 Now as you write and this need to shut your eyes to relive that sound of him over the call that night!!!!!!

That sound of him smiling that sound of his chuckle and you realising how the sound of someone smiling could make you this happy away like you were loving his sounds too the variations in his smile and adoooooorabke chuckles it was that beauuuuuuuutoful sigh soon after you tell him you loved him…….like even before hanging up he asks you to say it again and you do and says one more time and you do hang up and you message him the same and he again calls asking one more time!!!!!!

To the next day coming to pick you up for the gym soon as you get in that one biiiiiiigest smile possible on him and the waaaaaay he says he was waiting for that moment all night and asks you again haaaaan tho kyaa hua again……

Some visuals this beauuuuutifully clear the waaaaaay he just couldn’t look straight on the road and you keep telling him that to him asking and that first time brings his elbow closer to yours touches away slightly like pushing a lil and that smiiiileee again!!!!!!

To you that first touch like it meant evrythung cause it didn’t shake you it didn’t move you with fear or discomfort but the waaaaaaaaaay it just felt to realise that feeeeeel……

Like before that there were his kicks at the gym as you workout he would come next to you kick your feet away asking you to finish early to go downstairs for coffee or him pulling your hair off the pony at the gym as you used to do the side weights but that felt different!!!!!

Him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa like even writing out that moemnt now his smiiiiiiile had your pooooor ka pooooora heart his face did become your complete heart his hands his smiiiile the way his nostrils used to flare a lil with that specific smile and his tongue a lil almost out closer to lips not poora out kinda smiiiiile like you could feeeeeel his smile reaching his stare kinda viiiiibe of his smile!!!!!!

The more you write ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa longest it’s been to feeeeeeeeeel to liiiive that moment!!!!!!!

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