Sunday 15 October 2023

Day out!!!!

 Going back a day or two !!!!!

Post work out for shopping cause mum needed a few things and she wanted to buy a few things with ur suggestion……at Hnm you were looking at some jewellery and the voice of the manager goes do you like a beret and you before even turning or making sense of it makes you go ohhh I love beret…

And it cracks her up commenting on the tone of your voice suddenly shifting like she has never heard you before that way as if tho you were talking bout some person and not a cap……

The actually beauuuuty of it is something you alone knew it actually was for a person, Him beret his game name as he used to call it as…

Out on a drive and he suddenly asks you if you played games and you get all excited about sharing this game you loved on phone ironicaaaaaaaaalllllllly enough now to think of it was called as Block game…

If you only knew back then ittaaa oyaaar nai rehta tha nai game ke liye!!!!!! Absolute body palm suddenl realisational moment this was…..

So yaaaaa and then he suddenly chuckles away that afoooooorably asking like real like games nai kheli and you tell him used to tennis and cricket bachpan mein like one time you wanted to go for orefsssuonal training cause that’s how much you loved tennis and somehow after bhayya couldn’t!!!!!!and he tells you ekdin will teach you the actual game I’m talking bout and maloom I have this game name like everybody does like online am beret…

Agaaaaaaaaaain that brauuuuuuuuuty of him charlie you being you an absolute noob with no idea what sieve he was talking bout but that beauuuuuuuty of him was in him sharing that minute detail with you despite of knowing you had zero knowledge about the game he was talking bout…..

And that day at the store for her to say that name and that first immediate reaction comes out of your heart cause in that very moment you could see him sharing that with you and everytime wit those shared lil random ones too it only made you looooooooove him all the more all over again!!!!

It’s that feeeeeeel charlie of filling up those years of missing out on him and him taking you along through those missed out times and filling up on those!!!!!

It’s that waaaaaay that one specific waaaaay he would talk bout these things that one transformation in him slow and that beauuuuuutiful!!!!!!

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