Sunday 29 October 2023


 This one thing today when the dermat suggests you write down journal down your day and soon as you step out after that crazy stalking stranger moment stopping by for some coffee in the evening and she asks what do you want…

There are some words charlie some statements that always have a ring to it and to you it’s always been this one question ever since he had asked you the very same thing in that chat recently…

I don’t even know what do you want from me……

It hit you hard very hard in the wrong way that is cause the one person that knew you the most well in the world knowing your love for him there was him asking you after telling you that he was almost seeing someone and you in his life don’t wannaaaaaaaaaa go there…..

Soooo yaaaah after telling you that says this and you didn’t even know what to answer to that but there were a zillion billion godzillion things running through you!!!!!

What do you want from the one you’ve ever only felt lived loved almost all your life now…..

Like you wanted to scream away all things out to him but knowing he was on a different lane and asking for a complete diversion from you to be more precise and not hurt yourself more by saying out the actual things he said you didn’t know how were you in the place to share what do you want from him….

Be it today or be it the other thousand times you’ve come across this one line it’s like your mind runs through all those very things you wanted want from him…

Today when she asks you that very moemnt the way your mind just zoned out and lands in to the world of him where you weee actually day dreaming him asking you in his voice to this moemnt when your mom mentions bout the look and the vibe of him for you it’s all one jumbled up bunch of things you just wanna finally write out for your own mind thins you shouldn’t be but just that need to today!!!!!

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