Monday 30 October 2023


 Bombiiii bubbles karely coookiepie cookie some of your most favourite nicknames by him that he looooved calling you by!!!!

Apart from the bumble bee becoming your car name as bumble blu the sound of it every single time brings along the sound of his voice calling you bubbles from the powderpuff girls thing!!!!!!

Even watching transformers now everytime prime goes bee it’s his voice that rushes through you the waaaaaay he would sound that adoooooooooooooooorabkest calling you cookie or bombiii which also was luckys name back then…

The way his voice would always sound different that low and that fulllllll of LOVE!!!!!!!

Even as you write now and that sound of his voice rushing through you this very moment…!

Another one of those zillion things you miss bout him!!

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