Tuesday 31 October 2023


 How dooooo you even put a seatbelt on this THIS state of mind away!!!!!!!

Like you struggle and do your best to not play that track again cause I swear the tbingsssssssss it’s doing to your mind is beyooooooooond!!!!!!!!

And then when he comessssssss like this ayyyyaaaaaaaa a Himcoming like this one!!!!!!

You felt him!!!!!!!!

Like there was moments and having felt him and there was that slow whisper of this sound after like seconds before just waking up before the alarm went off seconds wbegore his slow whisper of cookie…

And before the alarm it was that sound of his voice and him calling you after a decade wakes you up…and then the alarm goes off!!!!!

Ever since waking up it’s this feeeeeeeel same feeeeel post his Versova meet like the second you get off the couch and with him being that way laying around that way for all those hours once you get off the way it felt empty there!!!!!

Like suddenly a part of you was missing out of you!!!!!!!!

The saaaaaaaame exact feeeeeeel as you get off the bed today exact same vibe!!!!!!

Like when walking around it took you that long to feel okay!!!!!

And that neeeed to feel him more workout it had to bee…

To realising cartoons back then were trippy of all imagine Mickey Mouse ones being this trippy was an ultimate realisation!!!!!!!

Sooooo yaaaaah backkk to the post workout moves and play this one song of his and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays you felt him again with that feeeeel of his hands over and around you to that in between feeeel of his breathe over the neck as weird as crazy it sounds which is also why you’ve wotppped writing the exact feeeels of him that you lived through the moves cause it’s absolute but beautiful madness to feeeeeeeel him away like this in your waking state woh bhi!!!!!! To doing things like after the night prayer to actually say this lil thing of pls plsss same black shirt pehenke aana aaj bhi!!!!!!

It’s like that strong of a touch and feeeel today being his feeeel of breathing over your neck!!!!!!!

How do you even tame away a state of mind like this one that’s gone compleeeeeeeeteeeeellllyyy and ABSOOOOOLUTELY wild wilder widest west!!!!!!!!!

People are noticing literallllly this change in you last few days and all it took was living that beauuuuuuty of him around the stadium place………the start of it all!!!!!! 

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