Thursday 26 October 2023

Sound of him!!!!!!

 To back home and you knew on the inside you weren’t the same anymore……

He leaves a text late at night like to think of it now your sleeping time used to be 10-10:30 maaaaax and he messages lil later than that and that timing he knew too thanks to the Diwali calls all day and when you tell him you were almsot asleep and he messages asking what time do you go to bed and you mention the same time and he replies with will remember this from now on……

To this one later that night and he messages asking if he could call and also adds that saying sure you haven’t sleep till now…..

And you weren’t in the balcony reliving him away is when he messages you……calls you and random talks to this one talking bout the movie and how simply beautiful the movie was talking bout characters and stuff and you tell him interrupting him thanking him for taking you out for the movie……and that beautiful pause after for a very long time and smiles away asking aur and you go back to the movie and he goes on with it and then you ask him anything else and he says something else like yaha waha talk and then he asks you aur kuch tho hua aaj apart from movie and you asking him the same with these repeats of the same thing……and that feeeeeel that wait in you for him to say something and him doing the same……

Finally it was like ok let’s meet tomo and stuff and good night and hang up…..

And he messages the same thing again soon as you hang up asking hua and you reply with something happened and he immediately calls again and asks again saying if you are waiting for me to say it first it will only be a wait or soemthing and you tell him something happened and he asks what and you mention Love… and as you do stil looking up talking to him that very second another shooting star and you tell him I’m in love with you and he that happpppppppily adds I’ve always been in love with you I love you too!!!!!!

There was that surety in him charlie the way he looked at you like you could see it in him see it in the way he used to look at you could feeeeeel that vibe that strongly like it used to draw you closer to him like all of him inside pulling you closer without even touching you kinda vibe…….

Like everything in you being drawn that strongly towards him like you could feeel it in you and that’s always been there even in those post bup meets that same feeeeeeeel in the way he used to look at you he wouldn’t say the same thing like he used to pehle but the waaaaay everything in him used to those very same things away like the viiiibe that same pull that same way he used to look at you…’s that feeeeeeel charlie when you feel you are being loved away and HOW in just the way just by the way someone looks at you your details and you feel loved !!!!!!!

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