Friday 27 October 2023

Come back feelin lucky!!!!

 When you come back home with your heart and all of you this THIS FULL OF HIM!!!!!

Like every drop of blood veins gushing with all things him like a rush to this level when all of you years away longs away every bit of him to all of him away like this!!!!!

It’s that peak level of rush rushing through you for him right now!!!!

When you come back home feeling luckiest blessed in the world for having found a Him like HIM!!!!!

There are billions of people in the world charlie a mil almost in Hyderabad itself and there are a thousand gyms almost getting into golds gym and the last min you change and pick this one instead and of all the faces and walks in the world this one catches your attention the first guy walk man walk that holds you like you can’t move don’t wanna move and want to wait there for him to come to you and the waaaaaaaay he does… that close to you and slowly proper filmy style slow mo mein lifts his head up and that one look in the eye and thaaaaaats when it hits you you were held by him without him even touching yih for the first time…….there you were lost in him lost in the waaaaaaay his aura his vibe holds you away and you wait for him to come close and that need to see him seee his face and that one moment!!!!!!!

Beeen that way forever now held you away for LIFE I say!!!!!

Moemnts with visuals first…….

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