Friday 6 October 2023


 Moments like these!!!!!

Out for a haircut and with a zillion memories of him zillion ways of him rush theough you at his cream stone place and this one song on loop playing in earplug for a change for the obvious reason and you can’t stop this ironic smile with the nights dream or moemnt…..takes a turn for back to studio and this beauty of some moments!!!!

This looooove for some numbers and you find your moment of Him magic in numbers, 2727!!!!!!

Sooooooooo many memories with the same number flash!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa apnaaaa banaaaa le howleeeeeeee apnaaa banaaaa le howleeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Some days and this mind THIS mind right now……..

Anybody to everybody luckiest in the world to get to live him I say to breathe him!!!!!!!

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