Friday 6 October 2023


 There is this beauuuuuuuty to watch someone talk bout something they are most passionate bout in life…

Like they could be beautiful sexy hot any other word to the physical beauty but there’s something that beautiful and charming to just live someone share their core out and share their dream wish aspiration out and watch them glow as they share it…

Watching this brilliant docu series of beckham!!!!!

All you could live feeeel is him from that night in the balcony and falling in love madly with him all over again that night…just by watching him talk and looking the waaaaaay he was looking that night!!!!!

Like your heart every lil thing in your core feeling away the luckiest human alive possible for living that moemnt for living his way of love for you by sharing his dreams and aspirations with you that way…

The waaaaaaay he keeps smiling beech beech mein looking away bhi knowing how much you were loving living him that way…

This very feeeeeeel watching this docu like you can’t get this smile off you cause you can’t stop your mind from playing Him on loop from that night…

MOMENTS like these and you just had to pause it for a bit to just write out this rush of him this very moment how truly truly lucky you did get in life……just like somebody else got more luckier now!!!!!!!

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