Wednesday 4 October 2023

Sound of music…!

 Like the second you are back from those sound adventures of yours to the stall they mention bout something you vanishing over n over again and something else but by then you wrrr already that high on him that you just laugh out over their comment and them wordless I say!!!!!

Usually these traits of your personality used to mainly come with him and only with him where him calling you howli mad you are dumb blonde and a zilluon more used to come out cause you only lived that version side of you with him……

And today when them commenting over multiple things at once in your head it went you of all people telling me bout feeling and love and you just laugh it out!!!!

Exxzaaactly why you couldn’t just go ahead with something even for the sake of your own mother cause you knew finally it comes to that point where it’s just bout you where it will be you facing that moment that random person and knowing you wouldn’t feel a thing you just wouldn’t can’t!!!!!!

And today of all times it was that clear to even feel it for yourself even in your mind you having these self conversations over how and what all his presence usd to make you feel away and HOW!!!!!

Where it always used to surprise him slightest of his touch even around your arm or neck used to make you feel that much away and him actually moving his hand over your neck saying it out how do you move and feel all this away when am just touching you…

Skin knows charlie body knows the core of you already knows much before you even realise understand or make sense of it…

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